Imagine You're a Goofball: Dynamic Preventative ZFS Snapshots
On Hacker News, there is an article about how NILFS seems to "take" continuous snapshots. In addition to checkpoints, one can stop a NILFS filesystem from garbage collecting, roll back to a point in time, and recover a file that was once there. And, this seems great, if you can take the performance hit of a log-structured file system (which is substantial).
But perhaps like our mother's said "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure"? Why not just take a snapshot before you do something silly? With httm, one can now take these sorts of no mental overhead, non-periodic dynamic snapshots, which can complement your current periodic snapshot scheme.
Let me reiterate -- one can and should be able to take a snapshot without needing to specify a dataset or snapshot name. Just feed httm
a filename and httm
will figure out the rest.
See, for example:
function ounce_of_prevention {
for a; do
# is the argument a file?
if [[ -f "$a" ]]; then
local LIVE_FILE="$a"
# get last snap version of the live file?
local LAST_SNAP="$(httm -l "$LIVE_FILE")"
# check whether to take snap - do we have a snap of the live file already?
# 1) if empty, live file does not have a snapshot, then take snap, or
# 2) if live file is not the same as the last snap, then take snap
if [[ -z "$LAST_SNAP" ]] || \
[[ ! -z "$LAST_SNAP" && "$(stat -c %Y "$LIVE_FILE")" -ne "$(stat -c %Y "$LAST_SNAP")" ]]
# httm will dynamically determine the location of
# the file's ZFS dataset and snapshot that mount
sudo httm --snap "$LIVE_FILE" > /dev/null &
ounce_of_prevention "$@"
# expressly used `nano` instead of `vim` or `emacs` to avoid a unholy war
/usr/bin/nano "$@"
First, we check whether we even need to take a snapshot:
- The 0th condition checks whether an argument is a file.
- The command
httm -l $LIVE_FILE
requests the last snapshot for the file, allowing you to test the 1st condition, which checks whether that file has a snapshot, and, - The 2nd condition checks whether the live file is not the same as the last snapshot version.
Next, httm
makes certain that it doesn't matter whether you are editing ~/.zshrc
or /etc/samba/smb.conf
. httm
dynamically determines and snapshots the appropriate mount (before you modify/screw up the file!).
Now, one will have to also set up a bash alias (alias nano=nano-with-prevention
), and a sudoers policy (kimono ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/httm --snap
), which allows these types of dynamic snapshots, but this pattern does seem to work pretty well.
Does anyone else have any other fancy dynamic snapshot tricks I could add to my arsenal?